Personal Transformation
And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.
― Anaïs Nin
Life is ever-evolving
Sometimes the decision to change is not a choice at all, and sometimes we are at that place in our lives where deep down we simply cannot remain where we are.
It is uncomfortable to remain, and it is just as uncomfortable to go forward through the fire of transformation. The nudge can come from something greater than ourselves, and we must act. It feels like we have no choice but to move forward or face soul death.
Expansion of consciousness…
Expansion of consciousness can be a lonely place, and it can feel like no one around understands where we are or where we are headed. Verbalizing what we are feeling is impossible at times as we are in new territory and cannot find the words to express how or what we are feeling.
When we start moving toward our calling, uncertainty, anxiety, and fear can enter. This leaves us feeling confused and unsure of where are we going or even if we are headed in the best direction for our lives and those around us.
Moving past our former Self
Those with whom we have shared a life may no longer feel comfortable to be around, causing us to look for new friendships or relationships. The chasm between our past Self and present knowing can feel too great to cross. This reality can make us feel bad about ourselves and question where we are going and why.
Like anything approaching from the distance, your future may look a bit blurry and will take some time to come into focus.
Let’s collaborate on the design of your new life.
Contact me if you feel ready to compose a new vision for your life and would like to collaborate on your design.